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EasySpeech2Text is a simple audio recognition software developed for Windows, which is used to transcribe the user's voice and mp3 into text. At the same time, EasySpeech2Text also supports converting text into speech. Through its high-quality natural sound, EasySpeech2Text will significantly improve your work efficiency. EasySpeech2Text uses advanced TTS/STT technologies. EasySpeech2Text supports configuring speech rate/speed and tone, which is very simple. Go to the preferences window and enable Google TTS, allowing users to set speed value and pitch value. After confirmation, you can go to the text-to-speech window to process text-to-speech. Now, users can include punctuation marks in Mp3 transcription results. It is effortless to enable punctuation marks. Go to the preferences window and enable the punctuation marks check box. You can choose more sound styles, including Google WaveNet sounds!
EasySpeech2Text function - Speech to text - Text to speech - Support multiple languages and variants. - TTS/TTS by Google Machine Learning and other advanced AI engines are reliable.
🔔 Hello. I want to create audiobooks, but does your software allow (in terms of licencing) for me to publish them on the Internet?Thanks,Chris Answer
Dear customer,Thanks for your question. There are no limits to the product. The program product lets you create audiobooks, and for the publishing part, you can ask for permission from the text content author.Please let me know if you need any further queries.Thank you,